The Magic Circle, clandestine as it may sound the purpose of
this organization somewhat matches this awe-inspiring name. This is the
organization of magicians all over the world and it binds its members in an
oath of secrecy. Any of its member found breaching this promise is expelled
from the group. It takes the magicians’ years of practice to develop the skills
of enchanting the viewers. The aura of secrecy is important to attract sincere
students towards the world of magic. In order to learn magic tricks, a magic
store that can provide you with the essential props and equipment is necessary.
Books you can read
for learning magic
Books can help you learn magic the best. Look for some books
on the subject at a reliable online magic store, your local library or a book
shop. The book for teaching magic to beginners with teach you many tricks and
also reveal to you the kinds of magic genres available to you. You might take a
fancy to the psychological style of magic as perfected by the likes of Derren
Brown, or become interested in close-up magic for which the likes of David
Blaine have become popular. Even if you simply want to perform at children’s
parties, these books are needed.
Taking magic lessons
Look out for lessons in magic in your area. There are some
local councils which provide magic lessons as a part of higher learning
courses. If you want to gain expertise, the Davenports of London, oldest family
run magic business of the world may just be what you are looking for.